Tuesday, July 12, 2011


From http://www.spiritdaily.com/tassonejune2011.htm

By Susan Tassone

"No one is more dead than a dead priest because no one prays for him!"

The month of July is dedicated to the Precious Blood of Jesus. Let us offer a great part of our Masses, Stations, Rosaries, Indulgences, and chaplet for the priests in purgatory and for these abandoned souls.

An ancient devotion is to offer these suffrages for 33 consecutive days for the most abandoned souls in purgatory in honor of Our Lord's 33 years on earth. I have received enormous graces with this powerful devotion. Be their liberators. They long for the door of heaven to be opened.

There is a great shortage of priests. We do not know whether we will have the privilege of having a priest at our side at the hour of our death. Pray for our deceased priests in purgatory. Beg them to intercede to grant the grace of final repentance for you and your whole family and all future generations until the end of time and in exchange you will pray for them. At the hour of your death, you will be surrounded by all the priests for whom you opened the door to Heaven.

In turn, they will escort you to the heavenly banquet.

The more we pray for the holy souls in purgatory the more effective their intercession is for us.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church (#953) confirms: "Our prayers for them is capable not only of helping them, but also of making their intercession for us effective."

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