Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Andrea Boccelli Reveals He Was Almost Aborted

By Peter J. Smith
ROME, June 4, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com)

What would the world have been like without Andrea Bocelli, Italian pop, opera, and classical singer? With millions of infants having been victim to abortion, the blind international music sensation has revealed that he too could have been one more abortion statistic.
The “I am Whole Life” project has produced a YouTube video with Bocelli, playing the piano, recounting the story of a young woman who had been hospitalized and treated for a “simple attack of appendicitis.”
As Bocelli recounts, doctors had suggested to his mother that she “abort the child” because the child would be born with a disability.
“But the young brave wife decided not to abort, and the child was born,” recounted Bocelli. “That woman was my mother, and I was the child.”
Bocelli was born in 1958 to Alessandro and Edi Bocelli. At his birth, doctors diagnosed him as having congenital glaucoma, and by age 12 he was completely blind.
“Maybe I am partisan, but I can say it was the right choice,” said Bocelli.
Millions of Bocelli’s fans worldwide could also agree. In spite of this disability, Bocelli developed a passion for music, that would lead to a career of international hit singles, eight operas, and 70 million copies of his albums.
For years Bocelli used to be an agnostic, but returned to his Christian Catholic faith in 1994 in part due to reading the works of Leo Tolstoy, which are said to have convinced him that life was not random chance, but had a purpose.
Bocelli said he hoped that the story of his brave mother “could encourage many mothers that find themselves in difficult situations in those moments when life is complicated, but want to save the life of their baby.”
The video is part of a project of the Whole Life Initiative, which is dedicated to promoting “a respect for the intrinsic dignity of the human person regardless of ability, age, status, ethnicity or sex.” The website IamWholeLife.com features many other inspiring YouTube videos and testimonials, promoting an ethic of life.
Watch the video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QfKCGTfn3o
Learn about the Whole Life Initiative: http://www.iamwholelife.com/en-us/default.aspx

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